A new model for an art gallery

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Gallery Particulier, like any gallery, is concerned with art. Yet it has been, and still is, so much about people.


First, our early supporters encouraged our mission of expanding the reach of art by bringing their voices – stronger than the naysayers, and that includes PLG, and our advisors.


Artists who came onboard and embraced our mission have demonstrated a unique generosity of spirit additionally to their talent. They came through recommendations, sometimes from studio visits, and sometimes by pure chance, as happens with the best relationships.


Then many supporters literally kickstarted the Gallery by generously contributing to our crowdsourcingDonations still gratefully received. We’re also grateful to collectors who acquired artworks and prints. Too many people to name them all!

Official launch: January 1! Trepidation!


The first six months have been a happy whirlwind of new alliances, shows, events. More artists came on. Homes in Brooklyn are hosting some of our artworks.


We got a matching grant from Con Edison for the outreach that we will do in high schools this fall. More about this soon. Donations still received!

Monique, a young model in Brooklyn, hosts in her home “Cigar Lady 1” by Gallery Particulier artist A.Shawn McKinney


We have been working on creating models that expand the reach of art beyond the museums and galleries, by having people host artworks in their home, by showing in non traditional spaces. These models need refining. That’s the work ahead, with help and support from people committed to have everyone enjoy visual arts.


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