Everyone associated with Gallery Particulier is in mourning for Duane Joseph, who died August 7 2023. An outstanding human being, he will be deeply regretted by people from all communities.

Here’s how I met Duane. I posted on facebook about social media workshops I was leading. He joined. At the time, there was just facebook, twitter (the new kid on the block) and linkedin, basically. That dates us. As we went through various strategies, I realized that Duane could teach me as much as I could teach him if not more. That tells a lot about who he was: smart, and modest.

But the most important aspect of his personality, as is being testified on the Internet by many, was his extraordinary commitment to the community. I am not the best person to list them all. I think he was involved in the Plaza on Park Place, he created and managed a number of neighborhood groups on social media, and was very involved with the Community Board 14 in Brooklyn, filling different roles there. His devotion to the community included more commitments to youth and underserved communities than many have been sharing.

From its launch, he was a staunch supporter of Gallery Particulier. It’s impossible to express the extend of my gratitude to him. His assistance was constant, he put us in touch with people who became our allies such as the wonderful Philena Taylor and her no less wonderful Fashion And The Arts, he advised us, he encouraged us. He joined our Board when we applied for not for profit status. He made us believe in ourselves, because he fully subscribed to our mission – to expand the reach of visual arts in the community.

When I first met him, he was working in the corporate world. Then he worked for politicians. I would tell him: “Duane, why don’t you go into politics yourself? I’ll vote for you!” I couldn’t think of anyone better suited to represent our communities. He would laugh it off. It was great news when he started working at Chelton Loft, an NGO dealing with special communities. This institution couldn’t hire a more dedicated and caring organizer.

Elliot Johnson at Gallery Particulier with one of his drawings

Duane would say: “I can help you think through your work with communities, but I know nothing about art.” It wasn’t true. He insisted that I come and see the artwork of Elliot Johnson. I was impressed by Elliot’s skills and talent that is so evident in his intricate work. Elliot has since joined Gallery Particulier where he has endeared himself to everyone, -and that is one more thing to be grateful to Duane for.

The loss  is immeasurable, because of Duane’s selflessness. There are few human beings who, like Duane, make their lives more about others than about themselves.

The last time we saw him was at our July board meeting. We went through Gallery business with our other valued board members, then we took the time to catch up. He told us about his wedding that took place on June 18 of this year in the Bronx. We were all so happy for him and for his bride. And we were excited to work with him in the future, and to see all the contributions he would make to our city and its people.

In tribute to a dear friend and tireless community organizer who made a difference in innumerable people’s lives.