For this edition of Collective Tales, we chose the theme of solidarity—a word that feels more urgent than ever. In a time when so many are under attack—immigrants, queer communities, artists, and nonprofits—it feels necessary to reflect on how we can endure by uplifting one another. Stories have always been a way to make sense of the world, and on this night, we came together to listen, to share, and to stand in support of one another.

Many of the stories turned to history, tracing the echoes of past struggles into our present. We heard about the collapse of the Bronze Culture—what happened to it, and who, or rather what, was responsible. We confronted the devastation of Nazism and genocide, including the ongoing crisis in Gaza. These are not just stories of the past; they are reflections of what is happening now, reminders of how fascism takes root and how it can be resisted.

And yet, in the midst of all that is heavy, there was light. It was a joy to witness people engaging with open hearts and open minds. A non-Jewish storyteller spoke about the Holocaust. Jewish attendees expressed solidarity with Palestinians. A Palestinian guest socialized with Jewish guests. These are not small things. In a world that often pushes us into division, these moments of connection feel radical.

The evening was rounded out beautifully with music from Nahed Elrayes, whose talent brought a sense of peace and reflection to the room. And as always, Comrade Cav made the space feel welcoming, his warmth and spontaneity encouraging everyone to feel at ease, to step up and share their stories.

Between bites, drinks, and conversation, we got to know our neighbors a little better—not just their names, but their kindness, their wit, their willingness to listen and to learn. In a world that so often feels fractured, Collective Tales reminded us of the power of coming together. Because solidarity isn’t just a concept; it’s something we build through action, through connection, one story, one action at a time.